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E-commerce sales is becoming more and more about content in 2024. One of the most important ways we can help you mange your content chaos is with Sanity – Our chosen CMS-partner. But as you'll learn from this page, Sanity is much more than just a content management system.

TypeCMS / Content Operating System
BenefitsEffortless content management

What is Sanity?

Have you ever had to edit 49 different product pages because you needed to change one sentence in the FAQs for some products? That's not very fun. This is where Sanity comes in.

At the core of Sanity sits the idea of structured content. Ooo, fancy! Let me tell you what that means. When you use Sanity, you stop thinking about a page as something static. Instead, you start thinking of pages as a collection of modules – Like legos! Let me give you an example:

What is Sanity?

A lego block can be something small, like a single FAQ (Do you offer free shipping?) to entire sections (hero on the home page). You build your pages by adding all these legos together. The best part? You can reuse that super cool FW24 image section that you made on the home page – In any page you'd like.

We make the content modules (legos) and structure it in a way that makes sense for your business. Sanity is built to be customized for your exact needs.

So, back to the example of editing 49 product FAQs. We've made a custom Parent Property Passing module that allows you to set FAQs in one centralized place. Now you just have to edit FAQs in one place. Wonderful!

But Mr. Skai-guy, I have some products that need specific FAQs. No problem. All products get the default FAQs shown above. But in addition, you can add custom FAQs on specific products as well. This is content management on easy mode. FAQs is just one example. We do this with lots of content. Less time spent hunting down all the places something is written – more time spent making meaningful content.

Make great experiences, fast – and without a developer

We're a development agency, but we want you to be able to create the content you want to without having to use us. You just want to get on with your day and create content that will drive your brand forward.

PIM, DAM and CMS – All in one

If your brand has gotten to a certain size you've probably considered adding a PIM (product information management system), DAM (digital asset management system) and a CMS. PIM just means editing product information, DAM just means managing your photos, videos and files – in case you were wondering.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to just edit this in one place? Well, you can. If you're an enterprise company with hundreds or thousands of products, then you might reach for a dedicated PIM or DAM. But in most cases, Sanity can handle all of this for you.

Let's take a look at how you can handle your images, files and videos within Sanity:

Now let's take a look at how you can manage your product attributes within Sanity:

All of this is possible because Sanity is built to be customized. Whatever you need you have, you can probably get it done in Sanity.

Plan Black Friday 3 Months in Advance

Your e-commerce manager has probably not had more than 3 hours of sleep combined in the 2 days before and after Black Friday. Making sure that blog posts, announcement banners, landing pages, Klaviyo emails and product discounts all go live at the right time.

They deserve better. That's why we built our custom Promotion Planner module . You can schedule product discounts, landing pages, hero sections, navigations, announcement banners and blog posts to go live when you want them to – in advance – all in one place inside of Sanity.

Kastel Shoes

You can also schedule any other content type to go live with the built-in Content Scheduling feature in Sanity.

Reach new audiences and increase conversions with localization

72.4% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product with information in their own language

If you're looking to expand into new markets you need to speak that language of your visitors.

In Sanity you can easily translate and manage the translations of your content. And with Sanity's AI Assist feature you can now AI-translate content in the blink of a second. Not only can you translate content with AI, you can generate entire landing pages.

Paste in the content outline from your Google Doc and Sanity AI Assist will generate an entire landing page. It knows the different content modules (lego pieces) that you have in your Sanity studio and makes a landing page for you.

Not in hours – Not in minutes – In seconds.

Bold statement: Every business is different

Wow… Super controversial. No, but really. Think about it. Every business is different, but most of the tools you use to run your company is made for the masses. Sanity is the exception. Everything is made to make your life easier and to allow your content team to make more content, better content, faster.

If implementing Sanity sounds interesting – Let's have a chat!

Sanity FAQs

Sanity is much more than a CMS. If you just need to publish some blog posts here and there, then you don't necessarily need Sanity. Sanity really shines when you want to publish lots of content, fast, and have more flexibility in how you make that content.

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